
SHAKE is one of the most successful community code efforts in the earthquake engineering profession. The SHAKE franchise was developed originally by Lysmer, Schnabel, and Seed at Berkeley, and then extended in the 1990's by Idriss and Sun at UC Davis. The SHAKE program is a frequency-domain analysis for shear-wave propagation in layered soils, and provides for underlying half-space analysis appropriate for many types of foundation analyses in earthquake engineering research and practice. In particular, SHAKE is a useful tool for analyzing many forms of soil-structure-interaction problems in earthquake engineering.


SHAKE has a feature set appropriate for analysis of layered soils in the frequency domain, including user-specified capabilities to add incremental nonlinearities to the linear frequency-domain response.  Ground motions are flexibly specified in SHAKE, so that calibration to a particular earthquake record is facilitated as part of the computational analysis.

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