ADINA stands for Automatic Dynamic Incremental Nonlinear Analysis,
which translates as "a finite-element tookit that does almost
everything for mechanics problems". ADINA was founded by MIT
mechanical engineer Klaus-Jürgen Bathe in 1986, and this
finite-element package has a rich history of solving earthquake
engineering problems such as the seismic response of long-span
bridges. ADINA includes a wide variety of solution techniques for
static and transient problems, including robust nonlinear analysis
techniques. ADINA also permits fully-coupled fluid-structure
interaction simulations that are useful for tsunami analyses.
The ADINA system includes an incredible variety of capabilities, such
as integration with solids modeling applications, visual pre- and
post-processing tools, and features to support multiphysics simulations
involving coupled solid, fluid, and thermal response. Solution
methods for linear and nonlinear problems include algebraic multigrid
solvers, contact/impact algorithms, and general capabilities for
modeling boundary, initial, and interface conditions that occur in
coupled physics simulations.
Pricing and Software Metrics
- University educational pricing is available for ADINA at a
substantial discount. A 900-node version of ADINA is also
available for unlimited redistribution on PC's.
- Software quality for ADINA is of Commercial grade
- Supported platforms include Unix, Linux, and Windows.