6.2. Wavelets:

Wavelets have been successfully applied in image processing and data compression. As an approach in
time-frequency domain, wavelets have been applied to analyze, compress, and denoise signals and images.


Matlab Wavelets Toolbox


Wavelets and Filter Banks
by Gilbert Strang, Truong Nguyen
490 pages

Wellesley Cambridge Press, 1996
ISBN: 0961408871

Time-Frequency/Time-scale Analysis
by Patrick Flandrin, Loachim Stockler (Translator)
386 pages
Academic Press, 1999
ISBN: 0122598709

Class Notes

Wavelets, Filter Banks and Applications

Educational Project

A vivid real-time educational demonstration broadcast through the internet for instrumentation, data acquisition
and data processing to monitor a real structure, a flag pole.

Flog Pole, MIT


In civil engineering, a partial list of the researchers who are active in the fundamental research on wavelets
and/or who are applying wavelet decomposition to structural dynamics, earthquake engineering and
structural health monitoring is as follows:

Kevin S. Amaratunga
Wieslaw J. Staszewski

Zhikun Hou
Tracy L. Kijewski-Correa
Maria I. Todorovska